Solidarity with Refugees


bita ghaedi

Despite global efforts on Bita Ghaedi’s behalf, the UK has again denied Bita’s appeal.

This just in from Bita’s partner Mohsen:

Hi dear all,

We’ve received the Home Office refusal this morning it is unliveable. They answer in one paragraph for all our documents(130 pages) and 5 of DVD which has broadcasting in all over the world and show her interview and taking part in anti Iranian government protesting.

It is unbelievable that they say they were not able to watch the films. There is just high court and EU court we are waiting for and meanwhile i am going to send Home office some potages I have prepare as they may have not have any DVD player or Computer to watch these serious films and also as all you know Bita needs our help immediately.


Note that Bita has grounds for asylum-seeking both on a political basis, as one who has protested against the current regime, and as one who has been subjected to gender-based violence in the past and is at very high risk of honor-killing by her family members should she be returned. Please see below for link to our full coverage of Bita’s situation.

Friends, this case is not just about Bita, but represents the injustices that the UK perpetrates against all asylum seekers. At this moment in time, there is a wave of refugees coming out of Iran that need our support. When countries around the world from Sweden to Norway to Turkey to Japan are all trying to deny their responsibilities and legal obligations as members of the international community, it is our duty to remind them that justice is not only for the wealthy, and freedom is not only for those who were born on the “right” side of an artificial border. We cannot allow the UK to implement this reprehensible act.

There will be an emergency protest at Heathrow Airport in London, 3pm on first floor of Terminal 1. If you can go, get there. If not, pick up the phone and call the British Embassy in your country and tell them what you think about their inhumane and illegal treatment of female political asylum seekers like Bita. This case is about more than one woman. We cannot allow the UK to set the standard for treatment of this wave of Iranian refugees, and we must use this case to shed light on the abuses that governments like England and Japan perpetrate against the asylum-seekers of our world, whose voices so often go unheard.

On MAY 5, there will be an emergency protest at Heathrow to stop Bita Ghaedi’s illegal deportation. Convene outside Boots store to the left of the departures security entrance point on the first floor of Terminal 1 at 3pm.

MFI coverage of Bita’s case

note, added 11:55am EST: At least for the British Embassy in Washington DC, there is no possible way of getting through to speak to a person unless it is on consular business, and even then I went through several layers of menus to get nowhere. Shame on the British government!

-Maria Rohaly


6 thoughts on “UPDATE MAY 4 2010, 9:37am: UK HAS REFUSED BITA’s APPEAL

  1. This is massive injustice. As a person who used to teach English in an Immigration Centre in the UK (the only non-racist staff member in there I should add) I can say that the people they let stay are for the most part the ones that deserve it least (Islamists mostly) and it’s always the women and children they send back.

    They also do not care about the threat that homophobia poses to people from around the world. It’s no wonder that I am now fighting against the system instead of trying to help people from within it. It is fundamentally flawed and is very much on the side of men and right wing religionists. It’s a disgrace.

    Posted by AK47 | May 4, 2010, 3:47 pm
  2. I fear this a preemptive blow against what will soon become a flood of Iranians seeking political asylum.

    To their shame, the U.K. doesn’t want that problem.

    Posted by Doug Roberts | May 4, 2010, 3:58 pm


  1. Pingback: The Latest from Iran (4 May): Beyond the “Main Event” | Enduring America - May 4, 2010

  2. Pingback: British Government sentence Bita Ghaedi to death | empire domestique - May 4, 2010

  3. Pingback: UK has refused Bita Ghedi's appeal - Why We Protest - IRAN - May 4, 2010

  4. Pingback: Myth Busting: Asylum Seekers « - June 3, 2010

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